Final Post

 I don’t know even where to start.  I feel like this blog has been something I look forward to every week. Every week I learn something new about the family. A new communication method or new research that makes everything make sense for me. In this last blog post I want to write about the biggest things I have learned. They might sound like the cliche things but they are the true things. 

1. Communication is key. Just cause we talk doesn’t mean we are communicating all our feelings. You heard me right, keeping our problems boiled up inside won’t solve anything, nor will it help your relationship grow. This goes for parents and children and spouse and spouse. Parents, ask your children the hard questions. Ask them how they are feeling, and teach them the things you know to be true. Help them avoid things that could put their life on a bad path. It might feel uncomfortable, but by communicating with your children you might be changing the course of their lives forever. Spouses, don’t be afraid to tell your partner what is on your mind. And help them understand your feelings. Remember, we are not all mind readers. And we can’t know how to solve a problem until we know what the problem is exactly. 

2. What you put in is what you get out. As families we need to spend time. If both mom and dad are working 40+ hours a week, they are spending enough time with their family. This might be a controversial subject but it is true. Parents need to be there for their children. Of course providing is essential and part of taking care of a family. But it is healthy to reflect on ones self each week and ask “did I spend enough time with them”. Our relationships are like plants. And it is important for us to water them, and make sure there are no weeds ready to ruin their growth. And it is not just that they need time WE NEED it too! Our well being depends on the relationships we build with others and it when he create this relationships we are better able to live a fulfilling life where we are also thriving. I have never heard of a unhappy person that puts time into their family. This doesn’t take away from the fact that trials will come. But does help us to have people to lean on during the hardest of times.

3. The family is the most important unit. I titled my blog this. I titled it this because in my faith we identify the family as the most important unit. And I believe this to be true. I really do. I can’t think of any other unit in this world that is more important than our families. Not our country, not our state, not our city, not our church congregations, or our college, or even extended family groups. The most important unit is the unit of two parents and their children. That is where  safety and peace can occur. In our homes we create relationship that will last forever and relationships that are essential to our journey here on earth. 

I truly am grateful for the opportunity I had to take the Family Relations course. This course helped me understand families more than I thought I ever could. I now know that healing is possible for families and so is the possibility of creating a world where families are valued as the most important unit. I hope you have had a good time following along. Thank you for reading! 


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