Avoiding heartache
I loved what we talked about in this week's class. It was also refreshing to go back to the two classes per week schedule. One thing we discussed was fidelity in marriage. I loved this topic because our professor was so open about the dangers of infidelity and how it can impact a marriage. I am not really going to pull anything from the text but rather talk about the lessons I learned from my professor. I learned and understood that couples need to avoid having a couple of things. One of those things is "couple best friends". When couples begin to get too close to other couples they begin to become too comfortable. What might start off as an innocent hangout can turn into something far more dangerous? Another thing couples should avoid is sharing their marital issues with people who are not professionals in solving marriage problems. What I mean when I say that is that it is very vital that couples are able to work out their issues. But when a woman or man shares with an...